Food Tracker

2022 Web Design Artifical Intelligence

how can ai change the way we cook and give credit?


click on image to try the website! (desktop only)


"cultural appropriation is one of the biggest fears of content creators nowadays. because of the long history of intertwining cuisines throughout the world, it is virtually impossible to fully give credit to everyone when creating a 'new recipe'

this website is a conceptualization of an ai software that would highlight common cooking techniques and label every other recipe that is similar"

video runthrough of the website

All Works

Promotional PostcardsMarketing Design

OYSTERS!Project type

Food TrackerProject type

Unspoken WordsProject type

Soho ArtistProject type

UMMI: Reinventing MSGProject type

Deck of QuestionsProject type

The Colour RedProject type


i'm cindy cao. as an interdisplinary artist, i like to work with all different types of mediums. whilst my professional work is in branding and marketing, i like to bring in my knowelege from all of my past experiences when creating something that connects with people. 

most of my work focuses on the connections between humans and communities. how can you do your part in making the world a better place? 


